
Taipei New Immigrant Family Service Center

臺北市政府社會局 委託 財團法人伊甸社會福利基金會 管理
臺北市公益彩券盈餘分配基金、新住民 發展基金 補助
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Counseling Services
  Through telephone and interview provides the new immigrants and their family information of social welfare, legal issues, social workers and foreign language professionals.

Legal Consultation Services
  Provides legal information by professional lawyers

Psychological Counseling
  Based on the need of each case provides individual counseling, family and marriage counseling, parent-child counseling or children counseling.

Development courses for New Immigrants
  Holds seminars, sororities, support groups, language learning courses for new immigrants to increase their life skills and share their learning experiences through which to let them support each other.

Educational Courses and Activities for Parent-Child
  Holds parent-child courses and activities to improve children’s physical and mental development, to reinforce the relationship and family education for new immigrants and their children.

Promotion of Community
  Holds communities and campuses seminars to build up appropriate concepts of diverse culturesy education for new immigrants and their children.

Interpreter Training 
  Holds training courses to cultivate interpreters’ service skills and professional knowledgeeducation for new immigrants and their children.